Well, Kainzo himself has just released an exclusive sneak peak of what's in store for anyone who's interested in donating to the server - Social Pets!

*** To do so, please visit http://hero.buycraft.net/ ***
Pets will be spawnable anywhere and at any time.
Current pets include:
- Baby Cow - $5
- Baby Chicken - $5
- Baby Mooshroom - $5
- Baby Pig - $5
- Baby Ocelot - $5
- Baby Sheep - $5
- Baby Wolf - $5
- Baby Villager - $5
- Magma Cube -$5
- Silver Fish - $5
- Slime - $5
- Cave Spider - $10
- Baby Zombie - $20
- Coming Soon: Bats - $5
- ***Get Them All*** (including the planned Bat) - $50

This is so that donors still get cute, special, and exclusive rewards without altering the balance for non-donors (because not everyone is able to donate).
Bats are currently being worked on but the developers are having some trouble with them. They are expected to be fixed and released soon, as with all of the other goodies.
Please also note that donations will not prevent you from from getting muted, banned, or reprimanded for illegal activities on the server.
For more info and updates (as always) keep checking back and always be sure to visit www.HerocraftOnline.com for your exclusive and direct coverage of the latest on-goings, updates and events.
*All proceeds/contributions/donations go directly to the server and the developers to keep the server up and running and to keep every plugin (many designed by the Herocraft Development Team) entirely up-to-date and bug free. The more donations we receive, the better server we can run, the more slots we can have, and the happier the Dev Team is (cause without them, Herocraft would not be nearly as epic as it is today).