Oct 27, 2013

Weekly Poll 3# Results

Week 3 poll results

Sorry for delayed post

Last week I asked the community ''What's your favorite profession'', 31 people took the time to vote on their favorites and here are the results: 

Top 3
On the first place we have Smith and Merchant, with 9 points each. Merchant has the ability to create ChestShops, trade with villagers and gift items over a distance. Smith can forge chainmail, repair tools/armor and deconstruct tools/armor. 

On third place we find Enchanter and Engineer, with Engineer recently being merged with Mason it's no surprise that the class is popular. An enchanter can use the vanilla feature of Enchanting, while an Engineer can use redstone ICs and create Gates, Bridges, secret doors and lifts.

Thanks to everyone who took the time to vote! This week's question is: ''What sort of player are you?'' The question is multiple choice, so you can vote more than one speciality. 

~EtKEnn, Herald of Herocraft

Oct 19, 2013

Weekly Poll 2# Results

Week 2 Poll Results

Last week I asked the community ''What's your favorite attribute?''. We got in as many as 48 unique votes which is a record. Here are the results: 

Top 3:
For a long time it looked like it would be either Strength or Charisma were gonna win, but during the last 30 minutes of the poll we received around a dozen votes that changed the tides completly. Agility ended up getting a clear victory with 19 votes, in front of Strength and Charisma that shared the second place with 15 votes each. 
Other results:
 Endurance and Intellect shared a fourth place, each with 13 votes, constitution ends up on a sixth place with 10 votes and wisdom comes in last place with only 9 votes. 

Thanks to everyone who took the time to vote! This week's question is: ''What's your favorite profession?''. Vote for your favorite on the left side of the page. 

~EtKEnn, Herald of Herocraft.

Oct 15, 2013

Screenshots from week #1

I'll be starting up a new weekly thing where I will be posting screenshots of my experiences on Haven. I will be making a schedule for the blog soon, so stay tuned. 

Week #1 - The Beginnings

I decided to adventure trough the spawn area and I stumbled across this:

Meeting my first donkey ever in Minecraft
 Mastered Lost Soul, decided to specialize into Ninja and at this point I started seeking out PvP. 

Killing a lvl 46 Beguiler while only being a lvl 14 Ninja myself, it was a 1v2 situation for me, so his partner killed me seconds after but it was a thrilling and fun experience nonetheless. 

 Being chased by 8 Silvermede members after roaming their territory looking for targets to assassinate, using my ninja skills such as Fade and Smoke to set up ambushes and to escape if they got too many. In the end they gathered all the citizens into one large party and went on a manhunt on me. After a few minutes of running around like this they caught me and I was quickly disposed of. 
 A screenshot taken just as more than 200 players attempt to jump into the portal that leads to the main server. 
 A screenshot showing the Deathchest feature. If you die while having a chest and a sign in your inventory (Sign is optional), you will spawn a ''tomb'' that automatically gets LWC protected for 5 minutes with your belongings in it. 

That's it for this time, more screenshots next week so stay tuned!

Oct 12, 2013

Week 1 Poll results

Week 1 Poll results

So last Friday I asked the community: ''What's your favorite PvP role?''. We got in a lot of votes and on Friday night this week, the results looked like this:

As you can see, Assassin won with 15 votes, followed by Mage (10 Votes) and Tank (8 votes). 

A big thanks to all who took the time to vote. 

This week's question: What are your favorite attributes?
To vote, check out the poll on the left side of the page. 

Throwing in an update aswell: Townships are now in, check it out in game with the command /town. 

Oct 10, 2013

Herocraft's Birthday! (3 Years)

Throwing in a small blog update: Working on a Lost Soul Guide and Soul Currency Guide, so expect more posts to the weekend. 

Herocraft Appreciation Month (October)

On Oct. 1st 2010, Herocraft started as a small 5 person server. We have now amassed into a server that has had over 100K players joining! So for the entire month, whoever supports us (either via store purchase or donation) will receive special prizes!

The #1 supporter this week will be able to hand choose their title (prefix) and anyone who supports us over $150 this month will be able to assist in creating a custom item*!

Fret not, if you just want to support us, you will get a special, limited title as well, below are the titles even if you don't get top supporter this month!

Unique Limited Suffix Titles: (If you donate over the amount, you get the previous)

$20: will receive = ៚ suffix title (bday1)
$40: will receive = ➢ suffix title (bday2)
$60: will receive = ➳ suffix title (bday3)
$80: will receive = ࿌ suffix title (bday4)
$100: will receive = ࿇ suffix title (bday5)
$150: will receive = ൠ suffix title (bday6)
$300+ will receive = ✇ suffix title (bday7)

Custom Item Creation: (Over $150!)
You'll provide the below*, we'll take care of balancing and drop rates**!

Item Name:
Item Type:
Item Lore:

*: Nothing racist/no memes/no staff title/no curse words or titles that otherwise violates our rules.
**: This will be added to the loot table, it will NOT be handed out, you will need to fight or craft to get it.

How to Participate:
You can find the supporter perks here and how to donate here.
If you're unfamiliar with our shop system it can be found at hc.to/shop which includes the new "subscriber" system that allows for special perks for subscribers via Paypal.

Post by Kainzo, Founder of Herocraft. Re-formatted and posted to the blog by EtKEnn. 

Oct 4, 2013


It's getting close

I hope you all will enjoy the new map that's gonna start very soon. Feel free to send in screenshots from your first experiences of the new map to EtKEnn98@gmail.com or via the Herocraft Forums. Screenies will be featured on the blog. 

The official Haven trailer

Official Haven Trailer

If you missed it in your subscription box on Youtube, here is the official trailer for Haven!

Make sure to subscribe to the Official Herocraft Youtube channel for more videoes:

This is post number 100 on the blog! 

Enter The Multiverse!