Sep 30, 2013

Haven FAQ

New map Haven: Frequently Asked Questions

So last night, Apherdite posted a thread answering lots of questions asked by the community about the new upcoming map. Some of the questions people really wanted to know was ''What will the new Economy be like?'', ''Will all of my hard work be lost?'', ''What will happen to the Herocraft Olympics'' and ''What about the 1.7 release and the new biomes?''

Click here to read the answers to those and many more questions.

Note: The date of the map wipe has been changed to Friday, 4th October. This is because of some features not being completly finished yet that we really want to be in with the new map.

Sep 28, 2013

''Big ol Attribute Guide''

Attribute Guide

One of the new features that Haven is bringing to Herocraft are attributes. Attributes is a feature allowing you to customize your class more than ever, however a lot of people don't know how the new attribute system works. The player Dakinara made an excellent guide covering what the attribution system is, how to use it and how to spend your points wisely.

''Every class can make good use of at least four attributes - a few could technically use all seven.''

To check out his guide, click here

I found a way to add more authors to the blog, so now I'll be posting trough this account rather than IGNMsGiGi

Sep 25, 2013

New map: Patch Notes and News

In this post I'll be adding all the patch notes and news about the new map, so check it every day to keep yourself updated on everything.

Patch notes:
  • Backpacks are making a return, if you have purchased a backpack in the past you can now see it by using /backpack
  • The new map, Haven, will start at a size of 2000x2000. However, once the 1.7 biomes are released the map will be expanded to the size of 10000x10000. 
  • With the huge size of Haven, new methods of fast travel will be implemented like teleportation pads
  • Re-design of the graveyard system to allow for better recovery (Sky graveyards with teleport pads/etc)
  • A new precious material has emerged and The Exchange is buying. Ore and monsters alike will drop it on rare occurrence.
  • Removed Warrior, Mage, Healer and Rogue paths.
  • Players must now master LOSTSOUL (a better lostsoul!) in order to specialize into higher tier classes (Ex: Paladin, Necromancer, Ninja).
  • Added Class Mastery Badges, when a hero masters, they will receive a badge with their class and name.
  • Players will now have their armor and held item restored on death, items retained on death will take 20% durability hit 
  • Added Supporter T9 to the forum groups.
  • Mason has been merged with Engineer. The skills are gained around the same level.
  • Added /hero prof - menu, for ease of use. Success!
  • The exchange at spawn now buys Small and Large fragments for 5 / 8 souls respectively.
  • The drop rate for souls on lesser Ores (redstone/coal/iron) have been decreased.
  • The drop rate for souls on greater ores (diamond/gold/emerald) have been increased slightly

Other news
  • Backpacks will be returning, you can purchase them in the store on Oct 4.
  • Voting will not be the main source of income. Gathering soul shards and fragments from monsters, ore and quests will be the primary income.
  • Greystone (greylist only world) will be released in the following months
  • The new chaos world and resource map will be named "Ruins".
  • T9 supporter tier will be available for $200.

This post is subject to change.

Herocraft Reborn

Presenting: Herocraft Reborn!

On October 1st, 2013 (7PM CST) There will be a new map, named Haven! All items, levels, currency, worlds, arenas, rankings and anything else not mentioned will be completely reset. The only things that will be transferred are: supporter ranks, special titles, store perks and a few cosmetic items. The new connecting IP for Herocraft will be

This is a new era of Herocraft! You have the chance to start fresh, battle new foes, and become the great hero you've always dreamed about! There are some drastic changes coming to the server that you may want to know about ahead of time. Read on to learn more about Herocraft 5.0 and the changes that will affect you. If you want a full changelog, make sure to read the patch-notes.

Players no longer gain damage, range, mana or health when they level. Instead, your character will gain attribute points. You may place these points by typing '/attributes' and distributing them via the GUI menu. With other words, you can now customize your way of playing more than ever! No more static stats for all players of a class, instead you are able to choose what to specialize in every level.

Equipment Weight
Flat armor restrictions will be removed in favor of equipment weight. Each piece of armor will weigh a certain amount, and depending on your Endurance attribute, you will be able to wear various types of armor at once. This means you have to prioritize after what sort of playstyle you have, if you focus on Endurance attributions you can be very tanky but might have to sacrifice some damage output to make up for that.

The gold standard has fallen off as the main source of currency for the realm of Herocraft. You will need to hunt, trade, vote, and do other tasks to obtain the money needed to purchase your next class, chest protection, region or township. This means no more grinding for hours underground looking after gold! With gold no longer as the main income source, players can now adventure more while still gaining profit. 

Premium Monthly Subscription
No Pay2win: We're now offering a monthly subscription via paypal. These ethical perks will allow you to stand out from others and have unique subscriber only titles/pets without unbalancing gameplay for non-subscribers. Subscribe here

New Skills
There are several new skills that you will be able to add to your arsenal, so make sure to read up on the wiki when it's updated and test them out! A few examples are; BoneSpear, Whirlwind, Doomwave, Darkbolt, Blizzard, DreadAura, FeignDeath and Intervene. More information to come.

Classes & Professions
Let's mix it up! We've heard your cries, various classes and professions have been changed to better reflect their roles. Over the following months, we will be adding additional classes to Herocraft, ex. "Berzerker, Shaman, Runesmith..."

3rd Anniversary of HC!
There will be a seperate blog post for this, but if you don't want to wait you can read more about it here

New Admin: Event Coordinator!
Kainzo would like to take this time to welcome back one of our long standing staff members, Xanipher, to the Staff of Herocraft. She has played a vital role to the server and will be assuming a new position for events and the like! In the past, events were run by normal admins. However with an admin position specifically made for events, we can expect more events than ever!

In closing, the team of Herocraft would like to thank everyone who has waited patiently for a fresh start. It takes a massive amount of time and teamwork to put together a server of this size so we are recruiting devs and builders for our Adventure Map push, you can find the recruitment post here. We hope you tell your friends and enjoy Herocraft for years to come!

Sep 16, 2013

Minor Nether Update

Minor Nether Update:

Health Changes;
Ghast 750hp (From 1500)
Pigzombie 1200hp (From 3500)
Blaze 900hp (From 2500)
Lavaslime 300hp (From 400)

Damage Changes;
Ghast 140dmg (From 260)
PigZombie 180dmg (From 300)
Lavaslime 100dmg (From 250)
Blaze 120dmg (From 300)

That's all, will update blog several times a week now!


Source: Kainzo, Founder of Herocraft

Enter The Multiverse!