Yesterday the server updated, bringing in a few changes and news about changes to come. In the words of Kainzo: ''We have a lot planned for the future and are ramping things up for release one at a time.'' I must say, I am excited for some of the many new features that are planned for Herocraft.
Now, the updates:
Map Expansion:
Haven has been expanded to 5000R. The dynmap will be updated to reflect this change.

HolySteed & DreadSteed
Paladins and Dreadknights are now able to spawn a mount at level 65, HolySteed and DreadSteed respectively. Any class will be able to use a mount, but the two Knight classes are the only ones with the ability to spawn them for free.
Other News
Is almost complete, thanks to 0xNaomi and the balance team. Final stats and skill levels will be on test in the next few days. Expect a release next patch. The Shaman will summon a totem that has an endercrystal on it. Pic related ---->
Store Sale
To celebrate the map expansion and patch, there is a 15% sale off everything in the HC Store. Check it out at
To read the general patch notes, check out Kainzo's original post by clicking here.
Sorry for not posting in such a long time, christmas and studies has been hectic for me. I won't be as active that I used to, but expect me to update the blog a bit more often than what I have the last 2 months.
~EtKEnn, Herald of Herocraft.