Coming June 20th @ 3pm CST, we'd like to announce the new face of Herocraft. There's a lot to cover in this announcement so it's categorized.

Network Rework:
- The whitelist has been removed in favor of an in-game registration system. /register <email> - this ties your account to the forums (if you are whitelisted the process is not needed)
- New central server for travel, trade and plot purchase. This server grants the ability to take a boat (and back) to the preferred server of your choice.
- Players will reconnect to the "last" connected server. No more hub/lobby runs.
- Players will now have their Inventory and Class transfer seamlessly from one server to another on enabled servers.
- A new ban system is implemented and will be relied on for network bans/kicks for offenders.
What does NOT reset:
- Supporter perks
- Most store purchases
What DOES reset:
- Levels / Classes / Currency
- Items / Terrain / LWC's
- Residences / Townships / Shops
- Everything else.
- Any physical item (including crates/tokens/etc)
- Seasons are being introduced to give meaning to time within Herocraft. They will highly correlate with major patches.
- Every season some stats will be wiped to promote activity in the players and allow us to hand out prizes for top stat holders.
- Some content will be enabled on Season 2 and Season 3 - such as Royal District on central.
Revamped PVP Systems:
- Season 1 of Clan-PVP Starts July 1st - Top Clans will get prizes and titles (more later)
- A new season of PVP stats will occur every 3 months, similar to Ladders and Seasons in various games. Prizes different for each.
- Introducing "Clans" for fair PVP rankings. Killing "civilians" players wont increase PVP rank. Wage war and form new alliances!
- New Conquest World PVP Objectives to reward those who control points similar to King of the Hill style game-modes. Conquest will run at off-times and one every 6 hours in the center of PVP world.
World Changes:
- Central will have 4 Trade districts (each more expensive than the last and larger shop areas), an open arena for quick PVP, the tutorial portal for players to easily revisit and a harbor that has boats going to each server.
- Central, by Clans Season 2, will have the Royal and Commons plots district for rent/purchase.
- PVP and PVE spawn worlds and terrain have been reset and recreated on a new seed. PVE will not be based on amplified terrain or have any negative for staying / leveling there.
- The FFA (resource/free for all ruins) server will be created by Season 2 of Clans and can be found via the boat at central.
- LWC database/count will be world-specific.
Currency Changes:
- Exchange now accepts gold bars as payment and will pay for users trading them in.
- Soul Shards have increased in value. Their new amounts are in order - 1s / 3s / 9s / 15s / 250s
Economy Changes:
- Recipes are now restricted based on Profession. If you are unable to make something, find someone of that profession to create it. Specific notes on will be under
- A large majority of the heavily needed recipes are granted to "Crafter" Profession, with things like Iron+ Armor/Weps granted to Smith.
- Vanilla villager trading is no longer an option. Villagers can be placed as a shopkeeper to trade for goods you desire if you possess the means.
- Protection Enchantments can no longer be created by Enchanters but may be gained via other means.
- Relics can now be traded in at central to ShopKeepers for higher relics.
Tokens and Medals:
- Non-LOSTSOUL and IN-CLAN players will drop medals on death to be traded with NPCs at central, rewards vary from Protection armor to Sharpness Weapons.
- Token of Favor will be granted on each purchase of the store, rare votes and other methods to be turned in for very sought after rewards such as Crate Keys and Boost Tokens.
Region Management:
- We will be using the latest Residence rewritten plugin for all future content, a new wiki will be linked with the changed commands and usability.
- SRM plugin will be removed for BuyRegion for shop rentals at Central and other places.
- Township costs will be slight adjusted. Kingdom costs will be adjusted - specific details on the notes.
Supporter and Store Changes:
- Several slight changes will be introduced to the store and supporter ranks and subscriptions. All will be documented and posted in the appropriate places.
- Loot crates will no longer be bought directly from the store. A user will purchase a Golden Crate Key - that will be used to open a Locked Loot Crate (either obtained from slaying mobs or trading in Tokens of Favor)
- By Season 2 - we will be introducing the "Hall of Heroes" - a high brow area within Central that can only be obtained through purchase via the store and top voters, the areas are free to sell / trade with other players as the free market allows.
Heroes Changes:
Party size reduced to 5 in PVP. 10 in PVE. 15 in RPG.
Removal of Protection Enchants
Introduction of Recipe Restriction for Professions
... in depth notes found at
Various Changes:
Multiverse will be removed in favor for a network specific warp/teleport system.
Offtopic chat has been renamed "OOC" chat for Out of Character.
VoteScripts removed in favor of the updated GAListener for queue rewards (offline rewards!)