As many of you may already know, Herocraft has just released a new map called Forgelight!
This map has the basic rules and regulations as that of Warshard, and can be found nearby the portal to Warshard, in the Nexus (in spawn).
Most of the map has been reported to be "very mountainous" meaning miners should have lots of luck finding emerald in this one.
Check out Dielan9999's Thread to see some breathtaking snapshots of both Bastion and Forgelight!
For more info and updates (as always) keep checking back and always be sure to visit for your exclusive and direct coverage of the latest on-goings, updates and events.
Dec 27, 2012
Dec 25, 2012
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
The players, staff, and owners of Herocraft would like to wish you a very merry Christmas and hope you have a wonderful New Year!
Join us now for 100% Bonus Experience for the next 14 hours! Courtesy of themeoff.
You can buy Exp Bonuses at our store (effective as soon as you buy them).
Enjoy the Holidays! We'll see you around on the server, fellow Heroes and Heroines!
For more info and updates (as always) keep checking back and always be sure to visit for your exclusive and direct coverage of the latest on-goings, updates and events.
Join us now for 100% Bonus Experience for the next 14 hours! Courtesy of themeoff.
You can buy Exp Bonuses at our store (effective as soon as you buy them).
Enjoy the Holidays! We'll see you around on the server, fellow Heroes and Heroines!
For more info and updates (as always) keep checking back and always be sure to visit for your exclusive and direct coverage of the latest on-goings, updates and events.
Dec 24, 2012
Herocraft update 1.4.6
Today, Herocraft completed it's highly-anticipated update from 1.4.5 to 1.4.6!
With the update, the maps have been expanded so fresh ores, virgin ravines and new areas are being added! Hopefully we'll see some fireworks on Herocraft (a new feature that has been added as a Donor Perks).
Here are just a few of the new features and changes from the update:
Also, be sure to check out the store for our limited edition Holiday Titles and for our newly released Batch 2 Titles.
For more info and updates (as always) keep checking back and always be sure to visit for your exclusive and direct coverage of the latest on-goings, updates and events.
With the update, the maps have been expanded so fresh ores, virgin ravines and new areas are being added! Hopefully we'll see some fireworks on Herocraft (a new feature that has been added as a Donor Perks).
Here are just a few of the new features and changes from the update:
- Bastion -> Expanded to 3000R
- Warshard -> Expanded to 2200R
- Forgelight -> Expanded to 1200R
- Nether -> FULL RESET! (From 500R+)
- Attempt at resolving chest-glitch to lose items.
- HeroTowns internals reworked and should fix Member issues.
- Mystic Changes:
- Rejuv: Increased mana and cooldown.
- Pray: Increased mana and cooldown slightly.
- Decreased base-mana regen from 7 to 6 per tick.
Also, be sure to check out the store for our limited edition Holiday Titles and for our newly released Batch 2 Titles.
For more info and updates (as always) keep checking back and always be sure to visit for your exclusive and direct coverage of the latest on-goings, updates and events.
Dec 23, 2012
Blog update!
Thanks for your patience and happy holidays!
Dec 13, 2012
Late Weekly Update
This Friday, the server will be hosting "Rated Arenas" at 7pm CST. This is the equivalent of PVP/Skirmish battles but they are rated and ranked accordingly. With this, players can test their ultimate skills and gain access to new and unique titles once they reach above a specific rating.
Also, there was an update recently on the Patch notes for the sever (as Kainzo announced). The biggest excitement from this - Turret, a new skill that engineers get that acts as a means to defend a town or base from other players (like a dispenser but better!).
New titles are also available in celebration of Kainzo's birthday! This includes both prefixes and suffixes this time. Get these limited edition titles while you can!
Stay tuned for a "Class of the Week" post.
Also, there was an update recently on the Patch notes for the sever (as Kainzo announced). The biggest excitement from this - Turret, a new skill that engineers get that acts as a means to defend a town or base from other players (like a dispenser but better!).
New titles are also available in celebration of Kainzo's birthday! This includes both prefixes and suffixes this time. Get these limited edition titles while you can!
Stay tuned for a "Class of the Week" post.
Dec 9, 2012
Q&A - Skills
For this week's Q&A, we're going to be covering some of the most important rules of Herocraft.
Each day, dozens of first-time users log into Herocraft to check us out. Most first time users rarely take the time to get acquainted with the rules and some even have trouble remembering what is and is not allowed on the server just because they've played on so many!
Here are some commonly-asked questions for those who may need a little help understanding the Do's and Don't's of Herocraft:
For a complete list of our rules and regulations, please see our Service Rules Thread and please be sure to check out our Wiki!
Each day, dozens of first-time users log into Herocraft to check us out. Most first time users rarely take the time to get acquainted with the rules and some even have trouble remembering what is and is not allowed on the server just because they've played on so many!
Here are some commonly-asked questions for those who may need a little help understanding the Do's and Don't's of Herocraft:
- Are Hack-clients or X-ray plugins allowed on the server?
No. You may not use any hack-clients or x-ray mods/plugins on our server. We have plugins that detect the usage of these clients, mods, and plugins, and you will be automatically banned from our server if you use any of these on our servers. We also log every action on the server and so you will be caught and you will be banned, even if you believe your client is "undetectable". - Are Mods and Texture-packs allowed on the server?
Yes, some Mods are allowed and all texture-packs are allowed on our servers. For a full list of allowed and disallowed mods and plugins, please visit our Mods Thread. - Is griefing allowed?
Griefing is currently only allowed in Warshard. It is, however, illegal in Bastion (the main world). Griefing is constituted as the stealing of non-valuable blocks such as dirt, wood, stone, chests, and even farms and trees. It is also constituted as mindlessly destroying random things in the wild, placing blocks on another player's property, and leaving abusive messages or changing the messages on already placed signs. - Is Exploiting illegal?
Yes, exploiting is illegal in every way, shape, and form. If you happen to stumble upon an exploit on the server, we encourage our members to create an exploit-report on our forums. Exploiting is considered an action, or series of actions, in which you use glitch or bug in your favor to do or access things that you would not normally be able to do in normal situations. - What isn't allowed in public chats?
Memes/Ebonics, Drama and/or insults, ALL CAPS, overuse of profanity, and spam are never allowed in public chat channels. Advertising another server on our servers is strictly forbidden in ALL channels and you will be banned immediately for doing so. - Am I allowed to have multiple accounts?
No. Multiple accounts (or alternate accounts) is strictly forbidden on our servers. If you have a sibling, friend, cousin, or another person who may share the same computer or same IP, please check out our Multiple Accounts Thread. If you're working on getting (or already are) whitelisted, please contact a Proctor immediately on the forums.
For a complete list of our rules and regulations, please see our Service Rules Thread and please be sure to check out our Wiki!
For more info and updates (as always) keep checking back and always be sure to visit for your exclusive and direct coverage of the latest on-goings, updates and events.
Dec 8, 2012
Skin Spotlight / PVP Spotlight
I decided to combine these 2 posts since they're both relatively short compared to this week's "Town of the Week" post.
First up, this week's "Skin Spotlight" goes to the Freepers (aka Fire Creepers).
As you can see in the picture provided, their skins are very unique and highly recognizable throughout the server. They feature a sort-of fire camouflage with customized masks, allowing guild members to give their uniform it's own personalized twist while keeping the initial skin concept. This makes it easier for guild members to identify each other when raiding or taking part in PVP.
Their Founders, Pandaman7 and Sigpit, formed this neutral guild specifically to challenge the Tree Creepers in the domain of warfare, raiding and pillaging their way to victory.
Due to this, both guilds (the TC and the FC) are sworn enemies, often at war with each other and any allies of the opposition.
Next, this week's "PVP Spotlight" goes to c12095, the headmaster of the Tree Creepers (ironic, I know).
As you can see in the picture provided, their skins are very unique and highly recognizable throughout the server. They feature a sort-of fire camouflage with customized masks, allowing guild members to give their uniform it's own personalized twist while keeping the initial skin concept. This makes it easier for guild members to identify each other when raiding or taking part in PVP.
Their Founders, Pandaman7 and Sigpit, formed this neutral guild specifically to challenge the Tree Creepers in the domain of warfare, raiding and pillaging their way to victory.
Due to this, both guilds (the TC and the FC) are sworn enemies, often at war with each other and any allies of the opposition.
Next, this week's "PVP Spotlight" goes to c12095, the headmaster of the Tree Creepers (ironic, I know).
Catch Up!
Due to some unfortunate technical problems, some of this week's blog posts were not covered.
Thankfully, these issues have been fixed and we are busy, working away, to bring you the latest coverage on our Skin Spotlight and who's top-dog in today's PVP Spotlight.
Stay tuned for more info!
Editor's Note:
Our "Town of the Week" post will be postponed for next week. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Thank you.
Editor's Note:
Our "Town of the Week" post will be postponed for next week. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Thank you.
Dec 5, 2012
Player Shot 2 - Going Batty with Thieving Zombies!
We have a double-screenie feature for you today!
This screenshot comes from our Senior Proctor / Moderator, Angyles, and takes place in her very own little lounge in Spawn. Believe it or not, Angyles, Danda, and 700 bats were in the cage in this picture.
If you want to get your own cute little bat, or another creature to be your loving companion, visit our Pet Store and buy one for yourself or even a friend!
This next screenshot comes from our user, Donaldmax1, and features a Sulfur-wielding Zombie. According to the user, the Zombie is actually wielding the loot it picked-up after the slaying of a Creeper. It must have been a professional Thief in his former life.
For more info and updates (as always) keep checking back and always be sure to visit for your exclusive and direct coverage of the latest on-goings, updates and events.
Dec 4, 2012
Class Of The Week - Rogue
One of the 4 Basic Paths, and notorious for sneak-attacks, the Stealthy Rogue is best noted for it's highly powerful offense while being able to slip away into the shadows.
A Rogue starts of with 410 Base-HP, gradually increasing their HP by 9 points as they level, granting them a total max-HP of 680 points at level 30 (the level cap for all basic classes).
Juggling both Melee and Archery skills, a Rogue is just as good from a distance as they are up close. The best weaponry for these guys is to always have a Bow with plenty of Arrows (deals 55 dmg) and an Iron-sword (deals 60 dmg) for close-quarters melee combat. These guys pack a punch with their swords, giving them an extra 18 damage points on the Iron Sword compared to Warriors. IF you don't have an Iron Sword laying around, you can still get by with stone swords (45 dmg) and even wooden swords (30 dmg), but this isn't advised unless you're prepared to let your bow and skills do all the work.
Sneak is the first skill you will learn, kicking the class off at level 5. This Passive skill is what really makes this class powerful, because you could be right around the corner and nobody would know until after you took damage. This skill works by putting you into a "sneak" state for 8 minutes. You will stay in this state even when you attack or kill another player, as long as you don't take any damage or get hit. The cooldown for this skill is only 3 seconds with a stamina cost of 10.
Kick is later gained at level 15, and is definitely worth the patience it takes to get there. This aggressive skill does 67 points in direct damage and silences your opponent for 2.5 seconds. That's a long enough window to do some serious damage without taking any at all and can prove useful if your opponent is preparing to use a powerful skill on you. Although the cooldown is 10 seconds long, this skill only costs 6 stamina, making it a great skill to use when you're low on stamina and need to buy some time.
The last skill gained is Envenom, acquired at level 25, and could be one of the most potent and most convenient skills you could have in a basic class with a small stamina cost of 6 and an even smaller cooldown of 3 seconds long. Envenom poisons your sword for 30 seconds, meaning that your opponent will be damaged an additional 19 damage every 2 seconds, for 6 seconds after the initial blow. That's 57 damage on top of the 60 damage dealt from just the first hit, dealing a total of 117 damage points with just one hit.
Now that you know the basic mechanics of the class, get out there and level, practice, and kick some butt, Hero!
For more info and updates (as always) keep checking back and always be sure to visit for your exclusive and direct coverage of the latest on-goings, updates and events.
A Rogue starts of with 410 Base-HP, gradually increasing their HP by 9 points as they level, granting them a total max-HP of 680 points at level 30 (the level cap for all basic classes).
Juggling both Melee and Archery skills, a Rogue is just as good from a distance as they are up close. The best weaponry for these guys is to always have a Bow with plenty of Arrows (deals 55 dmg) and an Iron-sword (deals 60 dmg) for close-quarters melee combat. These guys pack a punch with their swords, giving them an extra 18 damage points on the Iron Sword compared to Warriors. IF you don't have an Iron Sword laying around, you can still get by with stone swords (45 dmg) and even wooden swords (30 dmg), but this isn't advised unless you're prepared to let your bow and skills do all the work.
Skills and Abilities
If you're experienced with the basic skill system, you won't have any problems with this class. A Rogue's damage isn't solely focused on their skills, but they do pack a huge punch when used properly. There are 3 skills to this class; 1 passive skill, 1 direct-hit skill, and 1 skill that is certainly unlike any other skills you will find in the 4 Basic classes.Sneak is the first skill you will learn, kicking the class off at level 5. This Passive skill is what really makes this class powerful, because you could be right around the corner and nobody would know until after you took damage. This skill works by putting you into a "sneak" state for 8 minutes. You will stay in this state even when you attack or kill another player, as long as you don't take any damage or get hit. The cooldown for this skill is only 3 seconds with a stamina cost of 10.
Kick is later gained at level 15, and is definitely worth the patience it takes to get there. This aggressive skill does 67 points in direct damage and silences your opponent for 2.5 seconds. That's a long enough window to do some serious damage without taking any at all and can prove useful if your opponent is preparing to use a powerful skill on you. Although the cooldown is 10 seconds long, this skill only costs 6 stamina, making it a great skill to use when you're low on stamina and need to buy some time.
The last skill gained is Envenom, acquired at level 25, and could be one of the most potent and most convenient skills you could have in a basic class with a small stamina cost of 6 and an even smaller cooldown of 3 seconds long. Envenom poisons your sword for 30 seconds, meaning that your opponent will be damaged an additional 19 damage every 2 seconds, for 6 seconds after the initial blow. That's 57 damage on top of the 60 damage dealt from just the first hit, dealing a total of 117 damage points with just one hit.
Group Battle
When you're in a group, you can choose to be either upfront with Melee or a little further away with Range attacks. The best strategy for group battles as a Rogue is to be beside the "Tank" (if there is one) and directing your attacks to the main "focus" of whom is attacking the Tank. You can also choose to stay back, closer to any Casters or Healers to protect them, while still being able to your range-shots against the opponent. It is best to know what classes you're working with first, rather than immediately assume your role as a Rogue, especially if there are multiple Rogues in one group.
Going Solo
Unlike with Warriors, Rogues are very flexible in their advantaged battlegrounds. You can take to the waters and open areas with your Bow or you can take to areas like forests and caves for forced melee combat. It depends on what you're most comfortable with and who you're up against. When going solo against a Warrior, your best bet is to take to an area that forces them either into the open or an area that will help you gain distance and use your range attacks, giving you the upper hand. If you're fighting against a Caster, you would instead do the exact opposite as you would with a warrior and try to take cover in a forest or someplace that would encourage melee combat. Just as Warriors are melee based, Casters are range based, and so you want to use that against them before they can use it against you (and their fireballs do more damage than your bows do). If you're going against a Healer, you want to do as much damage as you possibly can in the shortest amount of time to prevent them from healing themselves in the midst of your attacks, wasting your stamina. If your opponent is another Rogue, be sure you know your personal weakness and pick accordingly. If you're better at the bow, go range. If not, go melee.
- Not Knowing Your Role - This isn't exactly an official weakness only because it varies from player to player. This is, however, something that new Rogues need to always be aware of. You always want to do the exact opposite of your opponent (range for melee, melee for range). If you don't, the battle will be quick as their specialties will quickly wipe-out your health.
- Healers - Some may laugh at this, but it is true. Nearly every class has a slight weakness to healers mostly because many players don't realize they need to do as much damage as they can as quickly as they can. A Healer's entire role is focused on healing themselves and others, with one very powerful skill that does a lot of damage. With not having any way to heal, your only possible shot is to melee them and, if they run away, silence them with your kick and shoot away (if you have a bow).
Now that you know the basic mechanics of the class, get out there and level, practice, and kick some butt, Hero!
For more info and updates (as always) keep checking back and always be sure to visit for your exclusive and direct coverage of the latest on-goings, updates and events.
Dec 3, 2012
Weekly Update #2 - New Titles!
In this week's update, we'll be covering some additions to last week's "Dev Notes 4.3+", some bugs that are currently being worked out, and a few other things that the Herocraft community has been ranting and raving about!
Last week Kainzo updated the 4.3+ Dev Notes from the previous week. Here's the changes and info on that:
For more info (as always), keep checking back for more info and visit us on the forums at
Last week Kainzo updated the 4.3+ Dev Notes from the previous week. Here's the changes and info on that:
- Skill Changes:
- Firewave's cooldown increased to 20 seconds
- Transmuting (Iron_Ingots) Fixed
- Beguile's cooldown increased to 10 seconds - Class Changes:
- Mystic - Skill "Batfury" gained at level 15
- Renaming of Samurai Skills - Arena Changes:
- Food amount was reduced
- Preparing for "Rated-Arena" release - Micro-Transaction Store - NEW TITLES!
- 10 New Titles
- More Being Planned - Miscellaneous:
- Cauldrons Fix Planned (temporary fix)
- Now Allowing use of Macro's and Keybinds
- Alert Messages Tweaked/Fixed
- New Notifications on Forums
Also, for those who have been experiencing some trouble accessing the map for Herocraft, please note that the map IS down and that there are some technical problems currently associated with the Live map, but Kainzo and the team are on it and trying to get back to it. You can check out the map to see if it's up or check out the Thread about it for any updates on the map situation.
Also, for those Tekkit fans, Herocraft's Tekkit server has been resurrected and is now up for all your gaming desires (soon)! It's actually in it's testing-stage right now and we're looking for volunteers to test the server and give us their input about the server. Fill out an application on the Tekkit thread if you're interested!
If you're not sure what a Tekkit server is.... PLEASE check out the thread anyways; It'll explain everything to you.
If you're not sure what a Tekkit server is.... PLEASE check out the thread anyways; It'll explain everything to you.
For more info (as always), keep checking back for more info and visit us on the forums at
Dec 2, 2012
Q&A - The Basics
This week's Top 10 Richest Players |
Each day, dozens of first-time users log into Herocraft to check us out. Because Herocraft's game-mechanics are so original and different, most users tend to have some trouble understanding everything about the server.
Here are some commonly-asked questions for those newbies who could use the extra help and advice:
- Where am I?
When players log in for the first time, they spawn in Herocraft's "Tutorial" area. This area will teach you the basics about our server, a few of the plugins, what you can do as a Grey-listed member (for those who aren't whitelisted when they first log in), and how to choose your classes and speak in chat. By following the signs, you should find your way to the exit, taking you to Bastion (spawn city). You can also leave the Tutorial area by using the command "/skill warp". This will immediately teleport you to Bastion. - How do I choose my classes?
When a player first logs in, they are considered a "Lost Soul". The player must choose their classes to become a Hero by using the appropriate commands. This is all explained on both the Wiki and in the Tutorial area. For those who rather not read through the wiki and have skipped through the Tutorial, you can choose/change classes by using "/hero choose <path>". This will only change your Main class. If you're absolutely sure about your decision, use "/hero confirm". If you've changed your mind, use "/hero cancel" to negate the previous command.
To change your profession, the process is still the same; However, you must use "/hero prof Crafter" if you're just starting out. After you've mastered "Crafter" at level 30, you can then use "/hero prof <profession>" to choose your profession. Again, use "/hero confirm" afterwards to confirm the selection, or use "/hero cancel" to negate the selection. - How do I get Money/Coins?
Earning coin on the server isn't hard. The most easiest way to earn coin on the server is actually by voting for the server at the appropriate sites, listed at Heroes who vote can earn up to 18 coin a day just from voting. Other ways Heroes can earn coin is by leveling/mastering their classes, completing quests, selling gold ingots to DHX, and by selling items and services to other players. - How do I level?Players can level both their Main and Profession classes.
The easiest way to gain experience for your main class is by voting at the 6 sites listed at By voting, you can earn up to 300 experience. You can also gain experience for your main class by killing mobs, killing other players, or by doing quests.
Leveling your Profession class is a bit more complicated, depending on what class you are. The easiest way to level us is by mining, as valuable ores grant a lot of experience. However, if you're a Farmer, mining does not grant experience thus you must rely on harvesting farms, shearing sheep, or chopping down trees to gain experience. - Whats the difference between being Grey-listed and being White-listed?
Non-whitelisted members cannot open chests or place/destroy blocks in the Main world. They also cannot speak in global chat channels. This is mostly to prevent spambots and/or hackers from being able to log in and wreck havoc on the server before an admin or mod has the chance to ban them. - How do I get White-listed?
To get Whitelisted, you must sign up on the forums at, click the "Get Whitelisted!" tab on the hot bar, read and follow the instructions and tips for getting whitelisted, and then post your "Thread" up and wait patiently for a Proctor to review your application. This may take up to 24 hours so please be patient and always check back to make sure a proctor hasn't asked you a question about your application. Also, always be 100% honest on your application and never ask a mod, admin, or another staff member to look at your application.
For more info and updates (as always) keep checking back and always be sure to visit for your exclusive and direct coverage of the latest on-goings, updates and events.
Dec 1, 2012
PVP Spotlight - Postpowned
Unfortunately, due to some technical difficulties, we will be postponing our "PVP Spotlight" entry until next week.
Sunday's entry should still be on schedule but, due to unforeseen circumstances, the author of said entry is unable to acquire needed information and details due to personal technical difficulties.
We apologize for any inconvenience.
Sunday's entry should still be on schedule but, due to unforeseen circumstances, the author of said entry is unable to acquire needed information and details due to personal technical difficulties.
We apologize for any inconvenience.
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