As you can see in the picture provided, their skins are very unique and highly recognizable throughout the server. They feature a sort-of fire camouflage with customized masks, allowing guild members to give their uniform it's own personalized twist while keeping the initial skin concept. This makes it easier for guild members to identify each other when raiding or taking part in PVP.
Their Founders, Pandaman7 and Sigpit, formed this neutral guild specifically to challenge the Tree Creepers in the domain of warfare, raiding and pillaging their way to victory.
Due to this, both guilds (the TC and the FC) are sworn enemies, often at war with each other and any allies of the opposition.
Next, this week's "PVP Spotlight" goes to c12095, the headmaster of the Tree Creepers (ironic, I know).
Following c12095 is xRedDeadx in second place, from the Guild, Shadow; followed by 2 more Tree Creeper members, w0nd3rb0yCK and DrearyDragon, and deadmouse7 from the Fire Creepers.
If you think you have what it takes to make it into the PVP spotlight, use the command "/arena join" to enter the PVP queue. It only costs 1 coin to join and the victor gets refunded and gains an additional coin while slowly climbing up to the top.
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