Dec 2, 2012

Q&A - The Basics

This week's Top 10 Richest Players
For this week's Q&A, we're going to be covering the Basics of Herocraft (aka the questions that are asked every day).

Each day, dozens of first-time users log into Herocraft to check us out. Because Herocraft's game-mechanics are so original and different, most users tend to have some trouble understanding everything about the server.

Here are some commonly-asked questions for those newbies who could use the extra help and advice:

  1. Where am I?
    When players log in for the first time, they spawn in Herocraft's "Tutorial" area. This area will teach you the basics about our server, a few of the plugins, what you can do as a Grey-listed member (for those who aren't whitelisted when they first log in), and how to choose your classes and speak in chat. By following the signs, you should find your way to the exit, taking you to Bastion (spawn city). You can also leave the Tutorial area by using the command "/skill warp". This will immediately teleport you to Bastion.
  2. How do I choose my classes?
    When a player first logs in, they are considered a "Lost Soul". The player must choose their classes to become a Hero by using the appropriate commands. This is all explained on both the Wiki and in the Tutorial area. For those who rather not read through the wiki and have skipped through the Tutorial, you can choose/change classes by using "/hero choose <path>". This will only change your Main class. If you're absolutely sure about your decision, use "/hero confirm". If you've changed your mind, use "/hero cancel" to negate the previous command.
    To change your profession, the process is still the same; However, you must use "/hero prof Crafter" if you're just starting out. After you've mastered "Crafter" at level 30, you can then use "/hero prof <profession>" to choose your profession. Again, use "/hero confirm" afterwards to confirm the selection, or use "/hero cancel" to negate the selection.
  3. How do I get Money/Coins?
    Earning coin on the server isn't hard. The most easiest way to earn coin on the server is actually by voting for the server at the appropriate sites, listed at Heroes who vote can earn up to 18 coin a day just from voting. Other ways Heroes can earn coin is by leveling/mastering their classes, completing quests, selling gold ingots to DHX, and by selling items and services to other players.
  4. How do I level?Players can level both their Main and Profession classes.
    The easiest way to gain experience for your main class is by voting at the 6 sites listed at By voting, you can earn up to 300 experience. You can also gain experience for your main class by killing mobs, killing other players, or by doing quests.
    Leveling your Profession class is a bit more complicated, depending on what class you are. The easiest way to level us is by mining, as valuable ores grant a lot of experience. However, if you're a Farmer, mining does not grant experience thus you must rely on harvesting farms, shearing sheep, or chopping down trees to gain experience.
  5. Whats the difference between being Grey-listed and being White-listed?
    Non-whitelisted members cannot open chests or place/destroy blocks in the Main world. They also cannot speak in global chat channels. This is mostly to prevent spambots and/or hackers from being able to log in and wreck havoc on the server before an admin or mod has the chance to ban them.
  6. How do I get White-listed?
    To get Whitelisted, you must sign up on the forums at, click the "Get Whitelisted!" tab on the hot bar, read and follow the instructions and tips for getting whitelisted, and then post your "Thread" up and wait patiently for a Proctor to review your application. This may take up to 24 hours so please be patient and always check back to make sure a proctor hasn't asked you a question about your application. Also, always be 100% honest on your application and never ask a mod, admin, or another staff member to look at your application. 

For more info and updates (as always) keep checking back and always be sure to visit for your exclusive and direct coverage of the latest on-goings, updates and events. 

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